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Healthy Markets Initiative

Improving people’s health by increasing access to affordable, healthy food.

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We all have a role to play in improving the health of society. Our diets have a huge influence on our overall health, and these are shaped by the access, availability and affordability of healthy food choices. Every child and adult has the right to the healthy food they need to thrive.
Obesity is one of the most pressing public health issues today – and Covid-19 has thrown it into the spotlight. The rise of obesity is being fueled by the food available to us - and right now there simply aren't enough healthy affordable options available.

Products high in fat, sugar and salt flood the market and are heavily promoted, while healthy alternatives are often unaffordable or missing entirely. A handful of companies are responsible for most of these sales. But the tides are turning. More regulation and growing consumer demand for healthier options means food companies, including supermarkets, food manufacturers and food service providers, are at risk. But investors can help them be at the forefront of change.

Below you can find current members of our Healthy Markets initiative. All together, the investors in the coalition manage a total of $5.8 trillion in assets.

Find out more on our work improving people's health

The Healthy Markets Initiative helps investors to:


By joining the coalition investors collectively engage companies to promote support healthier consumer diets and sustainable company growth.


Through ShareAction’s research and strategic partnerships with leading research organisations in the field, investors can build knowledge and understanding on the role of companies in supporting healthier diets.


Through company AGMs, letters and roundtables, investors can engage companies collaboratively and ensure health and nutrition is on the agenda and given the priority it needs.


By bringing investors together and facilitating collaborative company engagement we drive real impact at the heart of the food and drinks industry.

“We’re excited to explore with  ShareAction  how encouraging responsible investment can help improve the availability of healthier options for everyone.”

Kieron Boyle

Chief Executive, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation (ShareAction’s Healthy Markets campaign is funded by Impact on Urban Health, part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation.)

Current members

  • Achmea Investment Management
  • Aikya Investment Management
  • American Century Investments
  • Ardevora Asset Management
  • Axiom Investors
  • Barrow Cadbury Trust
  • Big Issue Invest
  • Boston Common Asset Management
  • Cardano
  • Castlefield Investment Partners
  • CCLA
  • CMA Impact Inc
  • Coal Pension Trustees Services
  • CommonSpirit Health
  • Dunhill Medical Trust
  • EdenTree Investment Management
  • EOS at Federated Hermes
  • EQ Investors
  • Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
  • Ethical Partners Fund Management
  • Guy's & St Thomas' Foundation
  • Grünfin
  • Impax Asset Management
  • Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR)
  • J Stern & Co
  • JO Hambro Capital Management (UK Dynamic, UK Equity Income and UK Opportunities Funds)
  • Jupiter Asset Management
  • La Française Asset Management
  • Legal & General Investment Management Ltd
  • Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF)
  • London CIV


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Find out more about our work on health

Our Long-term Investors in People’s Health (LIPH) initiative is a global initiative that will see health elevated as a systemic risk by the investment system.

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