Share Action

Biodiversity initiatives

Building an investment system that protects the natural world.

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We’re working with investors to address the crisis.

  1. We educate through research, investor briefings, hosting peer-to-peer learning and webinars. We seek to increase investor understanding of how finance impacts on biodiversity.
  2. We mobilise bringing investors together to push for improvements in company behaviour through our strategic campaigns. Using our engagement toolkit to secure positive outcomes for nature We use conference calls, tailored letters to companies and questions at AGMs to raise biodiversity on boards’ agendas. Where necessary, we encourage investors to escalate, for example, by filing shareholder resolutions. We maintain divestment of laggards, reducing or exiting position, as a last resort.
  3. We hold investors and companies to account. On a two-year basis, we rank asset managers, banks and insurers. This year, we ensured that biodiversity was comprehensively assessed through our rankings.
  4. We also work to shape policies and initiatives. We do research to understand how to effectively reform harmful incentives and push for mandatory reporting and disclosing of, nature-related risks, dependencies and impacts, using science-based approaches such as the TNFD.

Over the coming years, we will use the Biodiversity Hub for all our communications. We will use the platform to keep investors up-to-date with, and prepared for, target company meetings and corporate engagement. It will help educate, provide space to share new briefings or reports, and help investors keep on top of the latest peer-reviewed research.

Additionally, the Biodiversity Hub will be an opportunity for investors engage directly with their peers. It will give them the opportunity to be a thought leader and start new discussions related to your activities, including the successes or challenges they are facing.

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Pesticides cause serious harm to nature - we're working to reduce their use

ShareAction’s pesticides campaign aims to leverage investor power to address the immense risks to biodiversity posed by the pesticides industry. The campaign focuses on a subset of companies in the sector that dominate the global pesticides market, including BASF, Bayer, FMC Corporation, Syngenta, Corteva and UPL. These companies do not effectively address the risks to biodiversity posed by the chemicals they produce, many of which are associated with high-profile environmental and human health impacts.

Through this campaign, we provide the research, recommendations and engagement opportunities that investors need to meaningfully engage with pesticide companies in their portfolios. This can support investors in their own journeys to address biodiversity loss while helping to transform a high-impact industry. Addressing pesticide-related biodiversity loss is vital for mitigating humanity’s negative impacts on nature and creating a more sustainable and just food system.


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Pesticides assessment
Assessment of the six largest pesticide companies’ approaches to addressing biodiversity loss

The world’s largest pesticide companies must address their role in biodiversity loss and start to transition their business models away from hazardous pesticides.