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Charities Responsible Investment Network

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In the UK, charities have over £115 billion invested. This means they can be a huge catalyst for change. By investing responsibly charities can align their money with their missions and further their charitable objectives.

The Charities Responsible Investment Network (CRIN) brings together charities with investments to further their missions through responsible investment. In the last few years the network has engaged with investee companies, investment managers and policymakers on a broad range of environmental, social and governance issues, including the Living Wage, workers’ rights in supply chains, executive pay, corporate lobbying and investment managers’ voting records.

The network supports charities to:


Achieve positive, cost effective change by working collaboratively and developing and sharing best practice.


Draw on bespoke research to develop skills and knowledge as responsible investors.


Engage with investee companies, investment managers and policymakers on a range of environmental, social and governance issues.

Membership benefits

  • One-to-one support from the CRIN secretariat on responsible investment.

  • Peer learning and networking opportunities through our members platform.

  • Detailed and digestible research on emerging responsible investment themes and about asset manager performance.

  • Access to bespoke events and collaborative engagement opportunities which form an annual work plan.

The CRIN platform and biannual meetings provide an invaluable platform for charities to coordinate and collaborate. As charity investors, I think we have a particular ability and obligation to engage robustly with the industry and our underlying companies and therefore hugely appreciate the collaborative engagement initiatives.

Dominic Burke

Investment Director – Lankelly Chase

Current Members

  • Barrow Cadbury Trust
  • City Bridge Foundation
  • Cripplegate Foundation
  • Dunhill Medical Trust
  • Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
  • Friends Provident Foundation
  • Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Foundation
  • Jesuits in Britain
  • John Ellerman Foundation
  • Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Legal Education Foundation
  • Lankelly Chase Foundation
  • Nuffield Foundation
  • Oxfam GB
  • Paul Hamlyn Foundation
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
  • Save the Children
  • The Health Foundation
  • Trust for London
  • Walcot Foundation
  • WWF UK


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