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ERIN's agenda for the 2024 EU elections

Read our recommendations
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Europe is the epicentre of sustainable investment – what happens here sends ripples around the world.

The European Responsible Investment Network, coordinated by ShareAction, aims to strengthen the voice of European civil society, by working together to improve accountability and investment practices, and to mobilise the power of investors to promote sustainable corporate conduct. We take a collaborative approach to capital markets campaigning, jointly building a fair and responsible investment system.

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Financing the Future We Want

Our agenda for a sustainable and inclusive EU financial sector

The European Responsible Investment Network (ERIN) has convened NGOs to produce an EU elections Manifesto outlining key sustainable finance policy recommendations for the next European Commission.

What we're calling for:

Accelerate investments in Europe's transition to a zero-carbon and inclusive economy

Expand the environmental taxonomy framework to define business activities that are harmful, those that contribute to the transition, and those that are socially sustainable.

Curb greenwashing & social washing

Develop minimum mandatory criteria that define what constitutes a sustainable investment product.

Set strong standards for investor due diligence & engagement

Mandate investor due diligence obligations on an ongoing basis for their full value chain and establish a clear standard for investor engagement with the companies they invest in.

Account for the risks of harmful investments

Introduce higher capital requirements for fossil fuel-related exposures; for every Euro insurers & banks invest in fossil fuels, they should have one Euro equivalent of their own funds to guard against risks of stranded assets and related future losses.

Remove obstacles for consumers to invest sustainably

Provide complete, clear, accurate, and bias-free information on the costs and financial and sustainability returns of the investment and insurance options available to consumers and ban fees provided to financial advisors to sell a certain product.

Enhance accountability and sustainability expertise in corporate governance practices

Link variable renumeration of management to the achievement of sustainability goals.

Read the full Manifesto

Manifesto signatories to date

  • ActionAid Denmark (Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke)
  • Ansvarlig Fremtid
  • BankTrack
  • Better Finance
  • Both ENDS
  • Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende
  • Ekō
  • E3G
  • European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers (FEBEA)
  • Facing Finance e.V.
  • Fair Finance International
  • Finance Watch
  • Frank Bold
  • Germanwatch
  • Global Witness
  • International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
  • Milieudefensie - Friends of the Earth Netherlands
  • PAX
  • Positive Money Europe
  • ShareAction
  • Swedwatch
  • Transport & Environment
  • urgewald
  • WWF European Policy Office

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