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European Responsible Investment Network

EU elections manifesto
Picture of the author
Europe is the epicentre of sustainable investment – what happens here sends ripples around the world.

The European Responsible Investment Network (ERIN) aims to strengthen civil society across Europe, working together to improve accountability and investment practices and mobilise the power of investors to promote sustainable corporate conduct. Through a collaborative approach to capital markets campaigning, we can build a fair and responsible investment system.

Financing the Future We Want

Our agenda for a sustainable and inclusive EU financial sector

ERIN has convened NGOs to publish a manifesto for the EU elections calling on policymakers to make sustainable finance a top priority of the 2024-2029 EU agenda.

The manifesto lays out a bold vision for an EU financial sector that supports people and planet. It has been developed collaboratively with NGOs, setting a shared set of priorities for sustainable finance. With coordinated messaging and joint advocacy, we can drive positive change in the financial sector. way we invest, regulate, and conduct business.

The network aims to:

Share knowledge

By sharing knowledge and information, members build a movement for sustainable finance that is diverse and impactful.

Campaign & engage

Members support each other to campaign across borders, sharing tactics, developing joint campaigns and collaborating on AGM interventions.


Members share information on advocacy opportunities, learn from best practice and collaborate to build policymakers’ knowledge.

Membership benefits

  • Access training, expertise and intelligence-sharing from across the Network in shareholder activism, investor engagement and campaigning tools to raise awareness and pressure.

  • Gain opportunities for collaboration on new investor-focused campaigns.

  • Participate in join advocacy activities for a more transparent and accountable investment system at national, EU and international levels.

  • Participate in our conferences – a platform for strengthening partnerships and initiating new campaigns.

  • Receive regular updates and analysis on the latest sustainable finance developments across the Network that are relevant to your organisation.

  • Gain access to the member-only online platform to join the conversation with fellow members.

Current Members

  • 2° Investing Initiative
  • Ansvarlig Fremtid
  • Anti Slavery International
  • BankTrack
  • Both ENDS
  • Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
  • Carbon Tracker Initiative
  • ClientEarth
  • Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre
  • E3G
  • Energy Watch Group
  • Eurogroup for Animals
  • Facing Finance
  • Fair Finance Guide Sweden
  • FairFin
  • Finance Watch
  • FOE Finland
  • Fondazione Culturale Responsabilità Etica
  • ForUM
  • Framtiden i våre hender (The Future in Our Hands)
  • Germanwatch
  • Global Witness
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace Nordic
  • IndustriALL
  • InfluenceMap
  • International Human Rights service
  • International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
  • International Sustainable Finance Centre
  • Make My Money Matter

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