Share Action


RISE Paper 2 - Introducing a standardised framework for escalating engagement with companies


We believe responsible investment is a transparent approach, embedded throughout the investment process, that takes the negative and positive impacts on people and planet as seriously as financial risk and return.

ShareAction is supporting the investment community to meet this ambition by releasing a series of guidance papers that will set out Responsible Investment Standards & Expectations (RISE) for asset managers across specific topics. This guidance, grounded in detailed research, recommends actions that asset managers can – and should – take in today’s investment environment in pursuit of being a truly responsible investor. This guidance can also be used by asset owner clients, investment consultants and other stakeholders to inform their interaction with asset managers.

In this, the second guidance paper in the series, we address the topic of effective engagement through the use of escalation tools. These tools are critical to place the weight of consequence on investor dialogue with portfolio companies.